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     Boolean logic is a commonly used algebraic form where all values are reduced to either a true or false convention. The three Boolean search terms are: AND, OR, NOT. Here are four simple examples of these three terms in use:
Include Both Words

     The example above searches for all documents that contain both the search terms that the operator AND separates. Documents found by this search will contain both the word “medical” and the word “malpractice” in them.

Include Either Word

     This sample searches for all documents that contain either of the search terms separated by the term OR. Documents found by this search will contain either the word “medical” or the word “malpractice” in them.

Include a Word and Exclude a Word

     This sample, searches for all documents that contain the search term(s) before the NOT term, but not after it. Documents found by this search will contain the word “medical” but not the word “malpractice.

Exclude a Phrase

     Documents that are found by this search will contain the word "medical" but not the phrase "legal malpractice." In this example, the search engine first looks for documents in which the word "medical" occurs. Then the search engine looks for instances in those documents where the word "legal" is adjacent to the word "malpractice" and discards them retaining only those documents in which the word "medical" is present without the phrase "legal malpractice."

      Click here to return to the Search Demo Homepage, or if you prefer, select one of the following hyperlinked terms and see how easy it is to conduct Advanced Searches and Field Searches using TheLaw.net.


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