You are just a two or three minutes away from obtaining and
installing the software that will automatically keep your
Linkbar updated and current!
Begin by printing this page. You will
need the printed page to refer to by the time
you get to Step Four, below.
Now quickly proceed through the
following steps:
1. This is a very Short download. To begin downloading, click
the big red
Download Button.
2. A window will pop up. Click the Save Button.
3. Your Save As Window will pop up. Save the file to come
folder on your computer
so that you know where the file is in
case you need to retrieve it.
4. The appearance of TheLaw.net will change slightly after
you save the file to your
5. When you have finished downloading the file, double click
on the filename itself
to begin installation. A window
will appear asking you if you would like to
continue installing TheLaw.net
Linkbar. Before clicking the Yes Button, go all the
way to the upper right hand corner of
your screen and CLOSE TheLaw.net.
6. A window will appear asking you if you really want to
close TheLaw.net.
Click the Yes Button.
7. Now click the Yes Button to begin installation of
TheLaw.net Linkbar.
8. Click: Next Button, Yes Button, Next Button and Install
9. Click the Finish Button
Assuming this process went smoothly,
go to:
to see the simple instructions for
quickly configuring your free Linkbar Update Software.
If you need technical assistance
email postmaster@thelaw.net
or call toll free:
1.877.4.LAWNET [877.452.9638]